Thursday, December 16, 2010

Weeks ago I went on a blind date. It went well and I had a great time. We saw each other once more, but I guess I just wasn't interested. I never called him and rarely sent him messages, but I wasn't so ruthless that I wouldn't answer. I kept a conversation going ( after all, I did inheret the gift of gab from my family, not the mention any specific names... grandma Ellen).

Anyways, two Saturdays ago he invited me to the movies. I wasn't sure how I felt about the invite, but I said yes. Saturday came and went and no date. I honestly didn't even want to get out of bed that morning, so it barely bothered me, just confused me. I got stood up so it seems. Stood up, but I was happy about it... so does that count? I guess it still does.

We haven't spoken in two weeks and what do I do? I accidentally text him to get dinner, all along meaning to text my friend Daria. He responded enthusiastically and agreed to get dinner Wednesday night (this happened on Tuesday). I was at the gym when I was making this grave mistake. I stopped the treadmill mid-run. I freaked a little bit, laughed a lot, hopped back on the treadmill and kept running. I figured I'd have to suck it up and go to an awkward dinner I definitely didn't want to go to at this point. Here's the real kicker... Wednesday night came and went and again, no date. Once again, I was relieved and happy, but once again I got stood up by I guy I didn't mean to message in the first place. Maybe getting stood up is the Korean way... I'm learning Korean dating culture at a very slow pace.

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