Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm a student again. I'd mentioned to Sunbin that I'd like him to teach me Korean since we spend a lot of time together anyways. Allison was interested as well so we casually talked about meeting up once a week and getting books. Sunbin took it into his own hands to make both Allison and I our own personalized photocopied books with our pictures on them! He also bought us a notebook, vocabulary book, eraser and special pencil. So, that just made it official. The lesson went for about 3 hours. I felt very comfortable and learned so much. I miss learning the conventional way. Obviously, I learn on a daily basis just by living life (especially in Korea), but I really enjoyed highschool and college classes with books and a teacher, and this was close to that style of learning.

This idea came up over the weekend while we were at my new friend Joe's house. I've met a lot of Joes here in Korea. Anyways, Joe had us over for a fantastic burrito breakfast which turned into a day of wine, enjoying the sun in Tae Jo Sun park and delicious Indian with Sunbin, Monica, Allison and Joe. Talk about a Sunday fun day! I had a blast!

Saturday was equally as blast-worthy. I went to the cherry blossom festival with Monica, Krista, Emily and Rachel again and this time there were flowers!! The streets were so white lined with the trees. It was a sight! Afterwards we went to the university park and grabbed dinner. We met up with a bigger group at a beautiful wine bar that looked like a bohemian place you'd find in southern Spain. Gorgeous decor. After wine we continued to Rock Station and sang karaoke till the early hours of the morning.

Another wonderful weekend, turning into a wonderful week, and surely to turn into another amazing weekend again.

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